Wednesday 14 October 2009

Wow...just wow! LEGO!

There are times that stumble upon (read about, and get it, here) will throw up something amazing...just look at these. Imagine the time and effort it would take, not to mention the patience, to build something like these...

Have a look at the rest of these incredible works of art here.

Tuesday 13 October 2009

More new Halo 3 action figures - Flood-infected marine

I know it looks grim, but this sculpture of a flood-infected human marine is shatteringly effective. For any HALO fans, I think you'll agree this is a things of terrifying beauty.

Check out all the other pictures and ranges here.

New Halo 3 action figures - the Rookie has landed

Weeeeeell, I wouldn't be much of a geek if this didn't get me a bit excited. I only have a couple of the action figures from the earlier series, including the incredible Cortana one.

But feast your eyes on this one...the Rookie in all his ODST glory.

For a look at the rest of the series, head here.

Monday 12 October 2009

GAME LOCATIONS - Episode 3 - MJ12/Versalife HQ (Deus Ex)

MJ12 are a presence across the world. They're hunting you, and they seem to be everywhere. They have bases hidden beneath the glossy exterior, they're like a virus. But they seem to love their symbolism, their belief that they are the 'invisible hand' controlling the world.

Hong Kong...
At around the half-way point of the game you find yourself in Hong Kong. Your job is to infiltrate MJ12 offices and find a prototype for a weapon. You infiltrate the offices easily enough...they're just standard offices...and eventually make your way down to the R&D levels...where you're greeted to a site that MJ12 is obviously beginning to operate publicly.

Nothing gives it away more than the sight of the red marble corridors and the huge sculpture of a grasping hand trying to grab the Earth.

What it makes you feel...
That you're fighting a force with a lot of power...that your mission might be suicide...that their seat of power is too's at once awe-inspiring and makes you want to succeed at any cost.

Word of advice...
Just try not to go loco when you get down there...if you stop to fight on your way out, you may find yourself stopping for good.

Friday 9 October 2009

Well, found my new car...

Need I say more...?

Halo 3 coffins?!?!?!?!?!?!?

So, it was probably always going to happen, incredible personalised coffin anyone? I think I've picked the one I'd want to go in...which makes me excited and very sad (in both meanings of the word).

Was having a stumble on the net and found this. It's pretty cool...but pretty geeky too.

Would I?
If you love your gadgets you can also make sure you’re ensconced in a Microsoft Vista desktop wallpaper coffin, or maybe even one styled after a Super Nintendo controller.

You can see more of the possible designs and story here.

HALO 3 - ODST sells 2.5 million copies since launch

Well, it looks like the HALO series is doing super fine. Who would've thought that a game without the Master Chief would sell so well?

Anyway, I read about this on the fantastic website, The Escapist, and you can read the full article here.

I also heard some rumblings that good old MC might return sometime in the future too.

Thursday 8 October 2009

Because these too remind me of the HALO nights...

This reminds me of when me and my mates play...

Specifically, this reminds me of that terrible fear-filled moment when Balls chucks a sticky grenade at us.

He's remarkably good at it, but it can go very, very wrong. Usually because it makes my head explode with frustration and bile!

We played recently played a team game on this map with loads of tunnels, lots of grenades, killing each other with friendly grenades...oh the pain...oh the fun.

GAME LOCATIONS - Episode 2 - City 17 (Half-Life 2)

City 17 is located in Eastern Europe and is the major setting for Half-Life 2. The city is imposing, at once threatening and claustrophobic. The iconic image is definitely of the Combine Civil Protection squads, who police the streets and suppress the population with brutality.

Size isn't everything...
The city is a big place, consisting of a railway station, a ruined canal system, underground road tunnels, and multiple slum-like living quarters and buildings. It also happens to be the main base of operations for the Combine on Earth, with their Citadel forming the headquarters of Wallace Breen, the human puppet-administrator for the Combine.

In the game, the player initially arrives in City 17 by train but, after being discovered, flees the city via its canal system. When the player returns later in the game, the city has been turned into a war zone as the citizens mount a full-scale rebellion against the Combine rule.

Stepping off that train for the first time is a fantastic feeling. A little scanner buzzes over to you, blinding you with it's flash...a massive monitor on the wall with Breen spouting propaganda and a welcome to City 17.

The oppression is everywhere...stepping out of the train stations and walking through the square reveals the sheer scale of the occupation, beatings, brutality...and alien war machines stamping through the streets.

Lasting memory
City 17 deserves it's place among the best realised game environments. It's brilliantly done, it's BRILLIANTLY done. And even now, you can play the game and still be amazed by the effort that has gone into creating a realistic and oppressive city.

[EDIT] Ahem...Valve? If you're up there? Could you please hurry up and release Episode 3? We've been waiting for quite a while...thanks. Oh, and PS - You rule! Thanks.

Wednesday 7 October 2009

Blackberry Curve 8900 - my next phone?

So I've been lugging about the now ancient Sony Ericsson K800i in brushed silver for a long time. It's not a bad fact it's one of the best I ever had, but it's old and a bit, well, kronky.

The next chapter
I think it's about time for an update and to a Blackberry, of all things. The one I've hit on is the Curve 8900, partly because my sister has one and it's pretty cool. It does what I need it to do and it's a Blackberry...hooray!

The picture hardly does it justice, but for all you who know about it, it's a pretty sweet Blackberry and one that rightfully deserves the praise landed on it. Yes, it doesn't have 3G, and for some that would be a dealbreaker...but it's not really a necessity when you consider what the Blackberry is designed to do.

It's meant to be a device you can use to make calls, receive email, check the web and basically look sounds like I'm describing the iPhone right? Well, I could get one, but I have an iPod touch - which I love - and I don't want it to be redundant. Therefore, I'm in it to win it, with a Blackberry Curve 8900...more updates on this when I finally get it at the end of this month.

GAME LOCATIONS - Episode 1 - The Citadel (Mass Effect)

One of my favorite things about games are the way developers and designers realise the worlds they create. For me, these are exemplified by the locations you encounter and play in. It could encompass an entire area of a game, or a tiny detail.

And so it begins...
To kick off this regular feature, I have chosen one of the larger locations in a game: The Citadel from Mass Effect. The Citadel is a massive construct, daunting, hidden in a pink gas nebula. It's home to countless inhabitants, and the seat of power for the majority of the galaxy.

Why The Citadel?
Because it's so awesomely realised. It feels bustling, it feels clean, it feels huge, you wander about through massive open areas filled with trees and lakes, and then you find yourself creeping down claustrophobic corridors.

You feel like you're on a massive space station, which is what is meant to happen. But it's not just the little things, it's an immensely beautiful construct, five long arms each a massive city sweep forward like a massive claw.

The cutscene where it is first revealed is amazing, and definitely one to can see it on YouTube here.

The Citadel is huge, beautiful and daunting. You feel like a tiny person as you pace it's interior. It makes you feel humble, and also intimidated. Where did something like this come from? Who could've built something so magnificent? These questions, so mysterious in nature, are central to the plot of Mass Effect.

Added info
The Citadel acts like a panic room when attacked, it seals shut to prevent anything getting in...or out. It's constructed of a material so dense it can withstand bombardment without even being scratched. It's a safe haven at the centre of the galactic politics. Tended to by the mysterious and enigmatic insectoid race called the Keepers, it's a setting that feels alive, at once metal and organic.

It's not only a major setting for sections of the game, but a place you will return to so you can marvel at the sights and sounds. Here's a tip, when you're playing the game, head down to the area with the big windows and have a look outside, there's always something interactive to look at out the works to bring the sheer size of The Citadel to the front of your mind.

Final thought...

Everything in Mass Effect is there to tell a story, and The Citadel's story is the key to it all.


It's hard to put into words the way today has started...

Okay, so I left the house early this morning, I've been running late for work for the last couple of days so I wanted to make the effort.

It turns out that my effort is for nought. The A41 bypass, although what it bypasses is beyond me, was packed up mental crazy busy. Then the M25 was doing it's ever faithful impression of a carpark, and then I get to work to find the queue of Mums that sit there by the school down the road is bigger than ever.

Now, this is the reason I get so annoyed working at an office close to a school. When I arrived this morning, the queue wasn't moving because two of the Mums were chatting between their I movement...gave them stern looks, no movement...finally they moved and I pulled off to find that further up the road they'd parked on both sides of the road, leaving me no room to get by...I ended up having to wait for them to drop their kids off before I could pull into my office's carpark. I ended up being 15 minutes late...and ten of those were spent waiting in the school queue.

I despair...I really do. The giant turd on this delicious crap sandwich is of course that now I have to make up the time over my lunch reducing my hour to 45 mins...which obviously sucks!

Rant over, rant complete, catharsis engaged.

[Edit] - I realise it sounds like I'm moaning about something rather minor...but dammit...lunch is the only respite from a day in the office. Any office workers feel free to back me up here. Not you Paul...not until you've worked in one...hehe.

Tuesday 6 October 2009


This is super random, I know, but I'm watching through the West Wing...again. I'm almost at the end of season 2 and I've just watched one of the best episodes of the entire collection.

It's called 17 People and it's the first episode where the staff, other than Leo, begin to find out that President Bartlet has MS. Toby finds out, in a brilliantly acted selection of scenes in the Oval Office, that President Bartlet concealed his illness from the voters.

I just wanted to type this up because I watched it, and I honestly can't remember the last time I sat engrossed in front of my TV. Except maybe the last time I watched this episode...

This was bound to happen...

So I went hunting round the office for a sugar kick...and I found...thanks to one of my colleagues...a small bag of Haribo Beatles. They were sort of soft and mushy...and not really very nice...but they hit the spot.

They were Halloween themed too for some reason, isn't that just short of a month away?

And another thing...when did this year start zipping by so quickly? It's almost Coop's Bday, then it will be Ball's Bday, then it will be Xmas! WTF?

Oh, for those who are bemused by the names Coop and Balls...they're two of my mates. Their names have been cunningly disguised...try to crack the code...

BENEATH A STEEL SKY - remastered for iPhone

Just a quick one to let you know that one of the greatest classic point-and-click adventure games is coming to the iPhone/iPod touch. Read more about it here.

It's a fantastic cyberpunk story, and definitely one to play if you love the genre.

I'm especially excited because it was one of the first point-and-click games I ever played. Can't wait for it to come to the app store. Woo!

George Osborne - unreal promise?

Was having a flick through some news pages over lunch and found an interesting list of things that the Shadow Chancellor said he would introduce should the Tory Party get elected...which they probably will...the one that caught my eye was this one:

"Saving £3billion a year, by the end of the parliament, by cutting the costs of Whitehall bureaucracy."

It was also inferred that the Tories want to save £7billion over the entire lifetime of a parliament. Sorry to say it, but I just don't see it happening...and I mean that in every can you cut the cost of bureaucracy in a place that is built on it? (Heaped on it!)

Great promise, but as with all potential manifesto promises, it's hard to fulfill...I think we'll wait with our lungs full of air...don't you agree?

Sister's new netbook - Samsung NC10

So, I love the Asus Eee range of netbooks. But I think I've fallen for another...I feel like I'm betraying my beloved little Eee 901.

It was my sister's birthday last weekend...and she got one of those cool little Samsung NC10 netbooks (read about it here). It's pretty sleek...has an actual hard drive (not flash) and is better than my Eee in most ways...every way...sobs.

Now I know there are better models of Eee netbooks but the 901 occupies a special place in my heart...along with it's older 701 brethren (find out all about the Eee range here).

I think this Samsung NC10 is pretty damn's very attractive, pretty speedy and it's screen is very crisp...defo one of the smarter budget choices for the netbook enthusiast.

Sorry, I'm just a bit jealous...but it's alright...I'm breathing into a brown paper bag right now...pant pant. Sometimes I amaze myself with my geekiness...

MASS EFFECT 2 - new character reveal...

Okay, so it's not actually 'new' in the sense of it being a new video...but I just watched it again and thought it was pretty awesome, so I decided to share.

This 'Subject Zero' looks like a pretty sweet addition to the Mass Effect 2 dramatis personae, very dark, very violent tempered...and all the tattoos kind of reminds me of that Batman villain who marks himself with tally scars every time he kills someone...but I digress. She seems like she's going to be the unpredictable mercenary with a mysterious past that gets slowly RPG essential (or cliche).

To round this little post up, here's the link to the video, here, and a final shout of: 'Are you as excited by the prospect of Mass Effect 2 as I am?


Pretty much anyone who knows me will confirm that I am completely obsessed by the HALO universe. We're not just talking about the games, but the entire mythos behind it. It's safe to say that when you talk to me you're talking to someone who would quite happily talk for hours about 343 Guilty Spark's motivations and's all speculation, not all of it's fact...but I'm just trying to let you understand how big a geek I am about this series.

This post is meant to be about HALO 3 - ODST, and a review of sorts, but I wanna set the scene so you can see what sort of person you're dealing with here.

Where it all began
Aberystwyth University, 2002, HALO - Combat Evolved comes out on the PC (I never played it on the Xbox until after it came out on the PC). I become obsessed, it's not only a great game but has an incredible storyline. Not since the release of HALF-LIFE have I enjoyed a game so much. I become intrigued with certain plot elements and begin posting on forums where like-minded geeks converge to discuss storyline and rampant speculation.

I leave university and settle back at home. At the end of 2004 HALO 2 comes out...I don't have an Xbox at the time so I am forced to borrow my sister's boyfriend's and play through the entire campaign in a night. It's not as amazing as the first game, but it's still good, seeing more of the Covenant's story is a welcome change. I eventually get my own Xbox and play through the game again, it raises many more questions that intrigue me and again I see that the game ends on a cliff hanger so frustrating I hurl my controller across the room.

Finally, in 2008, HALO 3 graces the scene. I think it's an amazing game. I really love it. It ties up all the loose questions (most of them) and feels like an epic final battle. The sheer brilliance of the game leads me into a spiral geekiness as yet untapped. I buy the game in a bundle with a Special Edition Halo 3 version of the biggest ever mistake...the console works well for ages...then dies...but all they can do is repair, not replace the piece of poop!

Halo Wars came and went, a bold move backwards - originally HALO was to be a RTS - and it was pretty good, not great, fun, but not that fun. Clever, but not too clever, with a pretty decent story, something us fans needed to get some juicy chat going...and it was a good placeholder to keep us going until HALO 3 - ODST came out.

I now have the good sense to realise the errors of my ways and two days ago purchased an Xbox 360 Elite with Halo 3 - ODST in a bundle for only £200 of your english pounds...I also got the new Tiger Woods game and that wicked Lips game in the bundle. Not back for 200 spoons!

And here...we...go...
Remember that bit in HALO 2 were you find the second HALO? That bit where you jump from the ship in a pod with other soldiers dressed in black jump suits? Those guys were ODSTs or Orbital Drop Shock Troopers to be totally geeky. Well, in this you play one of those guys...a new member of a rather macho squad of Helljumpers, and you are affectionately referred to as 'The Rookie' - and you're a silent protagonist, so you never say diddly-squat about anything...but boy can your shrugs and silence tell a story.

HALO 3 - ODST is set in the aftermath of the attack on the city of New Mombassa from HALO 2, you and your squad are sent in just as the Prophet of Regret slips out scattering your squad to the wind. You yourself get blown into a building and knocked out. The game from there sees you as 'The Rookie' trying to regroup with your squad in a war torn, Covenant infested city. You are aided in your search by the city's AI who uses road signs and the city itself to guide you on your way.

You spend a lot of your time as 'The Rookie' searching through the city for clues as to where your squad are, and hopefully to try and regroup with them and get out of the city alive. Whenever you find one of these clues, be that their discarded pod, or a busted up sniper rifle, you relive their journey...and this is where ODST really shines. It's that the flashbacks all come together to tell a story. You as 'The Rookie' feel very alone in the dark, and finding the clues and reliving the stories of your squadmates gives you a break from the opressive nature of the dark city and lets you see the battles that unfolded while you were knocked out.

The brilliance of the story is that you really feel as if you're always several steps behind your squad. You get this palpable sense that maybe the next clue will see you catch up to's incredibly well done.

Your combat is effectively the same as HALO 3, but being a mere human and not a Spartan anymore means you're a tad more delicate, so you have to be more clever. Enemy and allied AI is pretty much the same as HALO 3, although I have noticed that enemies jump out the way of grenades a lot more often which only goes to make combat more intense! Plus, the sheer amount of snipers in the darkened city and flashbacks make progress all the more challenging.

Multiplayer has a very welcome addition in the shape of the game mode called Firefight. Basically it's you and your buddies facing wave after increasingly more difficult wave of enemies and boy is it fast and frenetic. It's a superb addition and the maps are well done. If you like multiplayer, you'll be on it! And you'll love it...I need another fix pretty soon.

Still on multiplayer, the game comes with a second disk which is all of the HALO 3 multiplayer maps released so far on a single disk you can play from which is pretty handy...means that if you have system link nights you only really need to take the ODST package itself for a bit of Firefight and the standard HALO 3 goodness.

The results are in...
Overall, I would rate HALO 3 - ODST very highly. If you're a fan of the series, you're probably playing it right now...if you're a new comer and never played a HALO game, I would still recommend this game to you, it's very well done and the combination of action and story is incredibly well balanced.

I would rate this game 8.5 out of 10. It would only lose marks because it's pretty short, and I wanted maybe I should give it a 9. That would mean it's pretty perfect...but not completely, there's always room for improvement. How benevolent am I? Not very...I see. Yeah, you're right.

Final thought
The HALO series has captivated me more than any other series of games. So the insane sounding ramble above is from the brain of someone who genuinely loves the games and the mythos. By the game as soon as you can, if you like tense shooters set in a brilliantly laid out universe and a story told in a unique way, you can't go far wrong with HALO 3 - ODST.

Monday 5 October 2009

The day of the launch...

And so it is...with a drum roll, and sufficient revelry, I launch my blog.

What is the aim of this?'s something to stop the boredom of a day at's something to's a place I can post all those random stories from my past...just because I can...hehehe! I should really stop laughing at my own 'jokes'.

I hope anyone who reads my blog enjoys it as much as I enjoy writing it. I love to write and hopefully this will give me that outlet.

So, until the next post, which shouldn't be too long in the making, have a good one.
