Wednesday, 7 October 2009


It's hard to put into words the way today has started...

Okay, so I left the house early this morning, I've been running late for work for the last couple of days so I wanted to make the effort.

It turns out that my effort is for nought. The A41 bypass, although what it bypasses is beyond me, was packed up mental crazy busy. Then the M25 was doing it's ever faithful impression of a carpark, and then I get to work to find the queue of Mums that sit there by the school down the road is bigger than ever.

Now, this is the reason I get so annoyed working at an office close to a school. When I arrived this morning, the queue wasn't moving because two of the Mums were chatting between their I movement...gave them stern looks, no movement...finally they moved and I pulled off to find that further up the road they'd parked on both sides of the road, leaving me no room to get by...I ended up having to wait for them to drop their kids off before I could pull into my office's carpark. I ended up being 15 minutes late...and ten of those were spent waiting in the school queue.

I despair...I really do. The giant turd on this delicious crap sandwich is of course that now I have to make up the time over my lunch reducing my hour to 45 mins...which obviously sucks!

Rant over, rant complete, catharsis engaged.

[Edit] - I realise it sounds like I'm moaning about something rather minor...but dammit...lunch is the only respite from a day in the office. Any office workers feel free to back me up here. Not you Paul...not until you've worked in one...hehe.

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